» » » » » What a Good Teacher Does When a Student Fail

Last week, Jessica Lahey, a middle-school teacher, writer and blogger, gave her three classes of sixth, seventh and eighth graders tests. Things did not go well. In her blog post, “Things Fall Apart,” she wrote that the sixth graders were moving “from regurgitation to interpretation and application.”
The first time we ask a sixth grader to make that move toward a higher level of thought, they tend to freak out. And they freaked out. They freaked out on a grand scale. Unfortunately, that vibe went out into the ether, the seventh and eighth graders followed suit, and I was left with a pile of tests that looked as if they were bleeding red ink.

The failures continued as Mrs. Lahey, who teaches both Latin and English, gave a grammar test — the same test she’d given for the past four years. It’s a cakewalk of a test, she says, and the other tests weren’t hard either. In past years the means were high. This year, they weren’t.
What does a good teacher do when her students fail?
That’s a question I’ve never asked. I know what I do when my oldest comes home with a poor test grade (although he’s only 10, and so our experience in this area is still limited). I know what I did about a poor grade as a student. I’ve never thought about what a teacher needs to do when not just one, but many, of her students completely tank a test they should have passed.
I know Mrs. Lahey is a good teacher, because two of my kids attend the school where she works (although neither has been in her class). But if I didn’t, I’d know it from this: “When I handed the tests back at the end of the week, my students were duly embarrassed. … I handed out blank tests and, in well-planned-out pairings, asked the students to re-take the tests as an open book exercise. The pairings were required not only to find the correct answer, but to explain why all of the other options were wrong. … In the end, one of the students who had initially failed said, ‘You know, now that we have gone through every question, this test really wasn’t that hard.’ ”
In the article “What If the Secret to Success is Failure?” by Paul Tough, in the Sunday Magazine’s Education Issue in September, David Levin, the co-founder of the KIPP network of charter schools, considers which KIPP graduates managed not just to go to college, but to complete college. “The students who persisted in college were not necessarily the ones who had excelled academically at KIPP; they were the ones with exceptional character strengths, like optimism and persistence and social intelligence. They were the ones who were able to recover from a bad grade and resolve to do better next time; to bounce back from a fight with their parents; to resist the urge to go out to the movies and stay home and study instead; to persuade professors to give them extra help after class.”
Mrs. Lahey didn’t reteach what she knew she’d already taught. She didn’t change the grades on that test, either (although she did award points on a curve). She made those students sit down, figure out what they hadn’t bothered to learn the first time, and then admit that if they’d tried, they could have done better.
I’m not sure you can teach a child to learn from failure. Sometimes it seems like I don’t know how to persuade my kids to “try” at all. But as a teacher, or even as a parent, you can demand that they step up to that particular plate at least this one time, on your watch. And you can hope that from that, they take away the knowledge that maybe something they thought was hard — maybe the material itself, maybe being tested, or maybe sitting back down to do it again — isn’t really too hard to do.
Finding a moment to let your kids fail, and then seeing to it that they figure out what went wrong, and try again, will be harder.

About Unknown

Hi there! I am Hados Damilola and I am a true enthusiast in the area of Music Production. In my personal life I spend more time on Blogging, Music Production and Web Design. It’s really cool because I do have passion for what I’m doing.
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