Amanda picked up the brush when she was just 6 years old
but the vision of what she saw began when she was 4 years old

she began to describe to her mother in great details about her visit to heaven,
she told her mother not to worry, that she saw her grand mother.
Amanda said, "I saw grandma, she is there in heaven, she came up to me and told me she
is my grandmother and she held me in her lap just like Jesus did and
told me everything is alright.
Amanda added that
No body wears glasses or designers in heaven
and that in heaven everybody is young.

Amanda got her father Rev. Richard confused,
a brief chat with Rev. Richard:

==> How do you feel about Amanda's vision?

Rev Richard ==>  

"i want to believe her,
 i mean she is just 4!
she is so innocent,
she can't be making these up
but everything she talks about
is impossible,
it is an adventure that is creative,
she is talking about Jesus,
seeing Jesus and Horses, she talks about
choirs of angels
and her grand mother.

In scripture there is no clock!
there is some reality beyond time,
i think God might be trying to reach out to
us through Amanda"

What Amanda is telling us
is an echo of every story, every song,
every images that we see since we've been a child.....

About Unknown

Hi there! I am Hados Damilola and I am a true enthusiast in the area of Music Production. In my personal life I spend more time on Blogging, Music Production and Web Design. It’s really cool because I do have passion for what I’m doing.
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